Welcome to the
Center for Health and Wellness (CHW)!

CHW is dedicated to public service and participatory research that is community-based and focused on eliminating differences in health outcomes.

In 2000, Dr. Maurine Jones and Dr. Linda Cahelen worked on several community-based projects that addressed differences in health access and health outcomes in Gadsden County, Florida. They formalized their work a year later, in 2001, with the creation of CHW. The founders’ vision --- to address differences in health outcomes in various populations through services, education, and informed community leaders --- continues to guide CHW’s work in the development of effective strategies to address entrenched health problems.

CHW’s areas of focus are:

What is a Class?

A Class is more than just the name of an element, it is a title you create that can be added to other elements that you'd like to be styled the same way. Notice that if you select this paragraph, and change it, it will effect the paragraph below as well, since they have the same Class.

Double click an image to replace it.

You can also double click an image to change its size.

Parents, and text alignment

By now you may have noticed that web design, simply put, is a series of boxes inside of boxes with text and images inside of them. Try selecting the parent element of this text Right 2 then changing the text alignment.