Be Smart Be Healthy Checklist
PREVENT OR CONTROL DIABETES. Especially if you have family members with diabetes, watch what you eat and get good exercise on most days.
WATCH YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. Stroke and heart problems are related to high blood pressure. Keep yours under control.
GET TO A HEALTHY WEIGHT. Being under or overweight can make you sick in many different ways. Eating right and moving more helps get your weight under control.
DOUCHING IS NOT HEALTHY! You can get infections, cause pregnancy problems and irritate your body. A good shower can make you just as confident.
PRACTICE WELLNESS. Make healthy choices every day by eating well, exercising more, reducing stress, and getting health checkups often.
DESTRESS. Worry, anger and depression aren’t healthy for anyone, especially if you are pregnant or caring for a family. Ask for help to work out what’s bothering you.
DON’T FORGET YOUR TEETH. Especially if you are pregnant, healthy teeth and gums are important. Brushing and flossing your teeth are good habits to teach your children, too.
UNDERSTAND THE MEDICAL JARGON. Learn how to advocate for yourself and your family with your medical provider.
Florida Department of Health in Gadsden County → (850) 875-7200
Florida Department of Health in Gadsden County- WIC Women, Infants, and Children → (850) 875-7200
Food Assistance Program and Temporary Aid for Needy Families at the Florida Department of Children and Families – Florida ACCESS → (850) 300-4323
Second Harvest of the Big Bend – Agency Partner List Food Pantries →
Big Bend Transit (Gadsden County) → (850) 627-9958
Gadsden County Express – Commuter Services of North Florida → (888) 454-RIDE (7433)
Early Learning Coalition of the Big Bend Region → (850) 627-2924
FSU Early Head Start in Gadsden County → (850) 922-1330
Gadsden County School District → (850) 627-9651
Gadsden County School District - Head Start → (850) 627-3861 Ext. 1715 or 1702
Healthy Families Gadsden/Leon → (850) 320-6144
Gadsden County Healthy Start Coalition → (850) 662-1061
Gadsden County Nurse-Family Partnership → (850) 662-1061
Gadsden Community Health Council →
Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) Maternal and Child Health Bureau →
Abuse Hotline
The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day and 7 days a week of known or suspected child abuse, neglect, or abandonment and reports of known or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult. To make a report:
Call 1-800-962-2873
Florida Relay 711 or TTY 1-800-955-8771
Report online at
Fax your report to 800-914-0004
Visit for more information.
Refuge House
The 24-hour hotlines provide crisis intervention, safety planning, supportive counseling, referrals, and screening for shelter. Advocates assist victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, prostitution, and human trafficking. The hotline program is staffed by trained advocates and volunteers who all maintain your confidentiality. To contact Refuge House:
24 Hour Hotline - 850-681-2111
Gadsden County Office - call 850-627-9377 (In Quincy)
Leon County Office – call 850-922-6062 (Administrative Office)
Visit for more information.
2-1-1 Big Bend
2-1-1 Big Bend is a 24/7 gateway to community services and support with a commitment to excellence.
Helpline 2-1-1 Resource Directory:
24 Hour Support Hotline - 2-1-1 or 1-850-616-6333
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 988
Florida HIV/AIDS Hotline - 1-800-352-2437
Family Health Line - 1-800-451-2229
Help Me Grow - 2-1-1 or 1-850-617-4333
Visit for more information.
The Consumer Corner provides helpful information for individuals and families. Pregnancy Questions? Starting prenatal care early can help you have a healthy baby. Download this brochure to learn how to get started.
CHW’s Maternal and Child Health community partners can be found under the Collaborative Management Team tab.
For a complete list of Community Partners, please visit the Gadsden Community Health Council, which was created through a community consortium, that includes CHW.
The Collaborative Management Team (CMT) includes the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) programs of Gadsden County. The MCS programs are:
the Federal Healthy Start/Gadsden Woman to Woman (GWTW)) Project, administered by CHW
Healthy Families Gadsden/Leon administered by the Brehon Institute
the FSU Early Head Start program
Florida’s Healthy Start program and Nurse Family Partnership Program administered by the Gadsden County Healthy Start Coalition
Women Infant and Children administered by the Gadsden County Health Department
Jessie Furlow North Florida Medical Center, a Federally Qualified Health Center
The primary reason for creating this collaboration was to begin building a seamless system of care for women and children and to eliminate duplication of limited services so often found in rural communities. When the CMT was first implemented, spearheaded by CHW, the focus was on creating a comprehensive referral system among Maternal and Child Health programs. This was eventually articulated in a formal Memorandum of Agreement, developed by CHW, among the Maternal and Child Health agencies, which follows the Life Course Model with prenatal care, infant care, and pre-interconceptional care for women. These linkages are strengthened by regularly scheduled meetings of all program directors to review the system of care as well as regularly scheduled meetings of program managers/supervisors to staff women and families appropriately so that consumers receive risk appropriate services based on screening and assessment.
Be in the Know
You can relieve stress through breathing exercises!
Visit to learn 10 Breathing Exercise to Try When You’re Feeling Stressed.
Contact us to learn more information about our programs and resources and how you can get involved.